Charvi Anil kumar wins under 8 years girls world championship-2022. She won both Under 8 and 10 years girls national championships in 2022. she had won National Championship-2021 in Under 7 years category. She had won Silver in Asian Championship 2021-under 7 years category .
Past students of the academy includes the following well known players…
Raghunandan KS IM and GM Norm holder, Former Asian under -12 years champion and second place winner in World under-12 years Championship.
Ivana Furtado WIM,Former world under-8 years girls champion,former world under-10 years girls silver medallist and FormerAsian Juniors (under 18 years ) champion.
Yashas Devappa IM norm holder and former Commonwealth under-16 years Champion.
Gahan MG Fide Master, twice Karnataka State Rapid Champion And main member of Vishweshwaraiah Technological University team which won over all team silver in world universities championship-2014.
Aditi Prabhugaonkar Former Goa state senior women’s champion and winner of all types of junior girls championships of Goa.
Stany GA Grand Master and Former under-17 years National Champion.
Kruthika Nadig WIM ,Former Women’s National Champion , Asian Zonals winner and World cup participant.
Karthik Venkataraman Famous Grand Master from Andhra Pradesh.